Don’t fear the devil. You have authority over him

The Word For Today Thursday 24 June 2021.

 Don’t fear the devil. You have authority over him

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.


Luke 10:19 KJV.

God is a good God and never does anything to harm His children or bring pain to them. All pain and harm comes from the devil. However Jesus Christ has given you authority over him. Just as how a policeman can stop a huge truck by simply lifting his hand at a roadblock. Likewise you have authority in the name of Jesus to stop all evil. All disciples that is followers and believers in Jesus have authority over evil. Fear not.

Say this Prayer Out Loud.

I take authority over every evil force in my life and in my world. I function by the power of God in all I do. I am not afraid of evil but evil is afraid of me and runs at my presence in Jesus name. Amen! Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches. (Gal 6:6 NKJV) Copyright © 2021 The Word Of Truth, All rights reserved. (Music Credit) Instrumental byDeeperHeaven Music #TheWordOfTruth #Truth #Jesus #JesusChrist #Kingdom #God #Bible #Truth #Life #Goodnews #Beloved #SonsOfGod #Father #HolySpirit #Freedom #EternalLife #WordOfGod #TheWordForToday #BibleVerse #DailyWord