The Word For
Today Friday 25 June 2021.
One With God
Is Majority.
And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him,
because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for
his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.
1 Samuel 30:6 KJV.
David and
his soldiers came home to find all their families and possessions gone. Now
because David was the leader all blame fell on him. The bible says these men
wept until they had no more strength to weep. That is how great a loss this
was. The people then wanted to stone David because everything they had was
lost. David was cornered and left alone.
But God was
with him!
After David
encouraged himself in God he got some of the men to search for their goods and
families. Eventually they found the culprits and recovered all that was lost
and more. In life when everyone and every situation is against you do not quit.
Look to God. He is always with you.
Say this
Declaration Aloud.
No matter
what situation I face or the problems that come my way. God is always with me.
I declare that God is my strength and shield. He is my restorer. I will always
stand strong with Jesus. Amen Let him who
is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches. (Gal 6:6
NKJV) Copyright © 2021 The Word Of Truth, All rights reserved. (Music Credit)
Instrumental byDeeperHeaven Music #TheWordOfTruth #Truth #Jesus #JesusChrist
#Kingdom #God #Bible #Truth #Life #Goodnews #Beloved #SonsOfGod #Father
#HolySpirit #Freedom #EternalLife #WordOfGod #TheWordForToday #BibleVerse