No wonder you can't believe! For you gladly honor each other, but you don't care about the honor that comes from God alone. (Joh 5:44 NLT)
The main opposition Jesus had to deal with was the church leaders of His day. Jesus rebuked them for seeking the approval and honour from men over Gods approval. This often happens where many top church leaders applaud and praise each other rather than seeking to obey and please God. The fear of man has led many in the church to be more concerned about pleasing Pastors and church leaders than the Lord Jesus. Many people, including some of the Jewish leaders, believed in him. But they wouldn't admit it to anyone because of their fear that the Pharisees would expel them from the synagogue. For they loved human praise more than the praise of God. (Joh 12:42-43 NLT)
We must seek the approval and praise of God. The praise from man is ok if God praises it too. For example someone may win souls and receive praise from man as well as God. In another situation someone may stand before the church and make a big offering in front of all, this act seeks the praise of man not God. "Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. (Mat 6:2 NKJV)
Serving God in truthfulness and honesty, honours God and pleases Him. If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour. (Joh 12:26 KJV) We must follow the example of Jesus who did all things to please God and was rewarded by Him.
Heavenly Father I desire to please you. Help me to always seek your approval and praise, over people’s approval and praise. Remove the fear of man from me in Jesus name. Amen
TAKE CARE not to do your good deeds publicly or before men, in order to be seen by them; otherwise you will have no reward [reserved for and awaiting you] with and from your Father Who is in heaven. (Mat 6:1 AMP)
*The Word for Today* Sat 04/07/20
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